Gaapi 0.1.5 ================================= A light weight python wrapper for `Google's Analytics Reporting API v4 `_ written upon Google API Python Client. Features provided by Gaapi --------------------------- - Analytics focussed library to handle reporting api. - Pythonic style usage. - Enables you to cache your response data. - Enables you to get simplified response data. (TO-DO) ------------ Installation --------------- To install, simply use pip or easy_install:: $ pip install --upgrade gaapi or:: $ easy_install --upgrade gaapi ------------ Acquire Google credentials -------------------------- **1. To create a Service Account Credentials, follow the below link** **2. Get view ID in Google Analytics, follow the below link** ------------ Get Started ----------- Instanstiate GA Client '''''''''''''''''''''''' :: from gaapi import Client GA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS = { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "analytics-xyz", "private_key_id": "private_key_id", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----ASADASDONWQENLKQWEIL\nASDASDOILWQE", "client_email": "", "client_id": "103486406559549721528", "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" } GA_VIEW_ID = '12345567890' ga = Client( credentials=GA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS, view_id=GA_VIEW_ID ) Generate Query '''''''''''''' Gaapi format:: query = ga.query.date_ranges( start_date='2018-07-03', end_date='today' ).metrics( expression='ga:users' ).dimensions( name='ga:pagePath' ).dimensions( name='ga:eventLabel' ).dimension_filter_clauses( filters=[{ "dimension_name": "ga:pagePath", "operator": "REGEXP", "expressions": ".*something.*" }], ) # Clone query (Only for Gaapi format) # Add `clean=True` to reset a value in the query (say date_ranges) cloned_query = ga.query.clone(query2).date_ranges( start_date='2018-08-01', end_date='today', clean=True ) # Read query print(query.json()) Python Dictionary format:: query = { 'date_ranges': { 'start_date': '2018-07-03', 'end_date': 'today' }, 'metrics': [ {'expression': 'ga:users'} ], 'dimensions': [ {'name': 'ga:pagePath'} ], 'dimension_filter_clauses': [{ "filters": [{ "dimension_name": "ga:pagePath", "operator": "REGEXP", "expressions": "\/.*something\/.*" }] }] } Google's original query format:: query = { 'dateRanges': { 'startDate': '2018-07-03', 'endDate': 'today' }, 'metrics': [ {'expression': 'ga:users'} ], 'dimensions': [ {'name': 'ga:pagePath'} ], 'dimensionFilterClauses': [{ "filters": [{ "dimensionName": "ga:pagePath", "operator": "REGEXP", "expressions": "\/.*something\/.*" }] }] } Request Data '''''''''''' :: # Using gaapi query or python dictionary or json response = ga.batch_get(query) # Cache for 600ms response = ga.batch_get(query, cache_ttl=600) ------------ Third Party Libraries and Dependencies -------------------------------------- The following external libraries will be installed when you install gaapi ... - `google-api-python-client `_ - `google-auth `_ - `walrus `_ To-Dos ------ - Response Object Manipulation. (This update will enable to you to generate response in Google Raw Response, Simplified Response, CSV, Panda Dataframe). - Test cases. Contribute ---------- 1. Look for an open `issue `_ or create new issue to get a dialog going about the new feature or bug that you've discovered. 2. Fork the `repository `_ on Github to start making your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it). 3. Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected. 4. Make a pull request.